Latisha Reihill b.1991 Co.Fermanagh
Reihill was awarded a Ba Hons Degree in Fine Art (Painting) at the Belfast school of
Art in 2019 having previously studied and received a Distinction in Contemporary Art
Practice in 2017 from Edinburgh college.
Reihill has been the recipient of many awards including the Feidlen Clegg Bradley
Next Generation award (2019) and the Queen Street Studios Painting Award. Work
can be found among the permanent public collection at the Belfast School of Art as
well as the Dean Collection in both Co.Cork & Co.Galway (IRL)
Reihills work represented the year 2019 in the collection of Portraits of Northern
Ireland: Neither a manifest nor Elegy for the Northern Irish Centenary Year at the
Golden Thread Gallery as well as The Royal Ulster Academy. Work can be found in
private collections across the UK, Ireland and USA.
Reihills work digs into into the personal visual stories of places she has lived in and
roamed through. Her paintings carefully tease off the canvas from the 2d into the 3d
in a playful manner, disguising the trauma beneath the surface. Bright colours and
ghosted colours in constant competition to be remembered.
Instagram: @latishareihillartist
Website: https://latishareihill.com/