Dervla Baker | Andrew McSweeney | David Mathuna | Kevin O’Shea | Niamh Cooney

Curated by Emily O’Flynn

7-22 April 2017
Opening Thurs 6 April, 6-9pm
Gallery 1 & 2

An exhibition exchange with TACTIC and Sample studios, Co. Cork. “Th’ whole worl’ is in a terrible state o’ chassis” “Captain” Jack Boyle moans in the final line of Sean O’Casey’s tragi-comedy Juno and the Paycock. Drawing parallels between the 1920’s Ireland of O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock and the Ireland of today, as well as taking the use of tragi-comedy as a vehical for expression, this exhibition will address themes common in both, and furthermore in the world of today.