Open Call for Exhibitions 2022

Posted on Dec 8, 2021

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 31st January 2022, 5pm.

Platform Arts is accepting proposals from artists and curators, working in any media or discipline to be included in our 2022 exhibition and events programme.

Please refer to the guidelines before completing your proposal.

Email your proposal as single PDF file to with “Exhibition Proposal: ” in the subject line of the email. Please make sure your proposal includes the following:
• CV (max 2 pages) Containing name, address, email, phone and website (if available)
• Artist Statement (Max 500 words)
• Proposal Summary Please provide a summary (max 800 words) of the project you are proposing. This should cover the main themes of the work and outline how you intend to install it within the space. You can find a plan of gallery in the exhibition guidelines.
• Supporting Material Please refer to the guidelines. All images and links for audio and video files should be contained within the body of the PDF file and captioned accordingly.

• Funding Please provide details on how you plan to fund your exhibition, installation or event. Funding does not need to have been secured but we require a reasonable plan and backup plan of how you intend to fund. Platform can provide a letter of support to selected applicants to sustain individual fund seeking.
• Further information Please provide any further information (max 800 words) that you feel is relevant to your proposal.

• Proposals will only be accepted via email to
• Please include “Exhibition Proposal: ” in the subject line of the email
• The proposal must be completed and attached as a single PDF file including all supporting material. This should be titled Proposal and not exceed 10mb in size
• A max of ten items should be used to illustrate your work/proposal. All images should be contained within the body of the PDF file and captioned accordingly. Film and audio work should be uploaded in a web page (e.g. Vimeo (preferably), YouTube, artist website) and links provided within your PDF
• When referring to websites to support your proposal, you should provide the direct links for the particular pages/files you wished viewed and a brief explanation (50 words max) on what will be viewed
• Artist websites that supplement your biography are encouraged
• Platform will not accept proposal submissions that do not meet these guidelines

Platform seeks proposals from artists and curators from all backgrounds, working in any media or discipline. Platform are committed to supporting artists at all stages of their career.

Please see relevant documents below:

Guidelines Open Call 2022 

Floorplan platform